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How I Grew My IG Account

Writer's picture: elisciareisselisciareiss

1. What is your Niche?

When you have a have a passion... and with your passion, it leads to followers. These followers put their trust in you, your passion and your words. It is very important to focus on you niche and not be all over the place. ( You can be all over the place in stories, will get to that shortly)


My niche is home decor, decorating and DIY's..It's what makes me happiest and something I have been doing my entire life. When I saw I could start a home decor account, I went into it blind! But, when you are doing something you love, you will learn fast!

2. Being & Staying Authentic

This is a very simple concept! Every personality is like a snowflake... we need you to shine and show us your true self! Stay Authentic and you will continue to grow. Followers need a safe place where they can trust you and your words.

3. Stories Stories Stories

Stories are the fastest, connective way to growing and elevate your visual content strategy; its tools allow you to get to know and under stand your audience 10x more. People get to see you for you, learn who your are, fall in love with your personality, products, cooking , decorating, etc. Stories are beyond personal and a free for all.( SHOW US YOU) Stories are what keep people staying!!

My Story About IG STORIES

I was scared shitless to put my face on ig stories. I thought I would be judge or criticized. But what I learned was I'm my own worst enemy, and needed to walk through fear and put myself out there! Out there for something I deeply love and have a passion for. So I did and it lead me to showcasing my wacky ass self. (As my father calls it "GOOFY") Apparently 12k people really like me. lol Which has taught me to SHINE! It's ok if your weird, awkward, or a hotmess of a parent or human hahahahahaha... it's ok and we need MORE of that on here!!!


Engagement is a huge key factor into growing! Which means, don't be a asshole and NOT SHOW LOVE TO OTHER PEOPLES PAGES!!! I love to follow hashtags ### and leave kind comments. ENGAGEMENT IS BEING KIND! When someone comments on your posts, stories or dm's you... ALWAYS TRY TO RESPOND. It's also the BEST WAY TO NETWORK!! I have made so many friends with women who have the same likes as I do.. which leads to LOOPS... Companies that want to collaborate with you, will look at your engagement calculator. Here is a link to see how your doing.

5. Blog Loop's

Blog loops are such a great way to connect with people who have the same niche as you. It's a great way to grow your account! Building true relationships with others, that can lead to incredible friendships or even business partners. I'll add a highlight to my ig of Examples Of a Blog Loop :)

6. Collaborate with Companies That Suit Your Account

I have had companies reach out to me due to how my IG account looks.(Will get to that) But I also message companies I really like and ask them if they'd like to collaborate. What's the worst thing that they could say??? NO?? Onto the next... right! I also think it's so important to get your followers a discount codes. So if you aren't collaborating... still reach out and ask for a code to give your followers for a discount! Who doesn't love a discount.


Hashtags are crucial to your posts. I use 25 and under hashtags in my comments after I posted my picture. When you are typing in the hashtag, you will see how many people are following that hashtag and your post will have a bigger reach. It's very important not to use the same hash tags or go over 25# or else your post will go into spam.

8. Your IG BIO & POST

This is by far the most import thing you have to pull in traffic! You have 3 seconds to gain a followers on what your bio says and how your post look. As I always say KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid haha But seriously .. keep it simple and straight to the point! You are selling them on you and your niche. It's also very important to have presets! Presets brighten your photos and keep them all looking the same. A beautiful flow! Download lightroom and purchase presets that suit your account best!

Hopefully this is a start to help your account grow!



P.S If you have any questions, shoot me a dm. I am happy to help in anyway!!! XOXOXOXO

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