Sometimes we can overspend on trying to make our homes look so beautiful with flowers, and decor. But if we take the time to realize most of everything we need to use is all outside our windows. I love to go for beautiful hikes and take a pair of scissors with me to grab some beautiful plants. Since it's fall ...that's what I did! FREE SHOPPING LOL
I was also on a search for antique amber jars and I noticed they costed so much money and most stores don't even have them...
When I went to target on the hunt, I found beautiful amber jars at the Magnolia section and they where so expensive. As I kept walking I did find 2 beautiful jars for $5.99 located by the kitchen canisters. So I decided to use them as vases and the lids as my tea light candle holders. All for a very inexpensive price. Here below you will see what I did with them.
I knew I wanted real plants! It adds the right touch and feel to your home. You also feel so good finding such beautiful plants in nature to make a gorgeous arrangement! Don't you think?

Click Picture to Shop Jar NOW HONNAYYYS